Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Wish you were here!

We're looking forward to playing Cambridge's awesome annual multi-venue knees-up, Wish You Were Here, on 13 October. It's become Cambridge's answer to the Camden Crawl and should be a fantastic day of live music.
There's an awesome line-up, so far featuring:
BO NINGEN http://www.myspace.com/boningen
TURBOWOLF https://www.facebook.com/turbowolf
BROTHER AND BONES http://soundcloud.com/brotherandbones
HEY SHOLAY - https://www.facebook.com/heysholay
FUZZY LIGHTS http://fuzzylights.bandcamp.com/
MODEL VILLAGE http://modelvillage.bandcamp.com/
TOM COPSON http://www.tomcopson.com/
ANNIE DRESSNER http://anniedressner.bandcamp.com/
THE LAST DINOSAUR http://thelastdinosaur.bandcamp.com/
ILL MURRAY http://illmurray.bandcamp.com/
PRINCE AMONG THIEVES https://www.facebook.com/thievesuk
TWELVE CLAY FEET http://soundcloud.com/twelveclayfeet
THE SCISSORS http://www.thescissors.co.uk/
BOMB FACTORY http://bombfactory.blogspot.co.uk/
UNIT 9 http://www.reverbnation.com/unitnine
VICTORY POINTS http://victorypoints.bandcamp.com/

We're playing at Legends Bar at Cambridge City Football Club, about 10.15pm - come see us! And as many other bands as you can!