Thursday, 27 January 2011

Special Elm Tree gig! 15 February

Don't forget, we're playing a special up-close-and-personal intimate gig at our fave real ale establishment The Elm Tree in Cambridge. Fun starts at 9pm, so plenty of time for beers beforehand too.

The perfect antidote for post-valentine's day blues (or to make those eyes at your loved one over a pint or two of nut brown grot!)

hope to see you there!

Monday, 24 January 2011

'Afternoons' EP now available!

We're pleased to announce our new five track EP is finally available! Listen (and buy, if you like), at

Hope you like it!

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Sunday, 9 January 2011

New track preview!

Here's a preview of the new EP. Just click on the pop out player on the right to hear title track 'Afternoons'. All the tracks will be available digitally on 21 January, and in shiny physical CD form shortly afterwards. Enjoy (and let us know what you think)!